Friday, 4 September 2009

Eddie Izzard on the Mile, Just Running Through

The last week was a little slow in terms of what was happening, there were day's it was that slow I'd thought about just about giving up and heading to the pub.

I'd said this to one of the High Street staff one day, and she'd said I should carry on, as there was always something happening. I did, but almost nothing exciting that day happened. End of the Fringe blues was setting in early.

The next day I dragged myself out of bed hoping it would be better, sadly almost the same right up until a cart and bundle of people were running down the street.
I was about to find out why a camera crew and a bunch of people were interupting a performers show. How disrespectful, but they vered off to one side and squezed through down the left hand edge of the crowd. Then the throng started to gather it was a slight stop. It was Eddie Izzard and camera crew on his run for Sport Releif around Britain .

I'd just recently decided to stop by Cake or Death, and dropped Lyn a message, to say "hi" and I was still getting visitors from the site which is always a buzz.
She'd written back to tell me about Eddie's run. I'd not heard anything so it was something I'd said I'd have to watch out for.

Eddie on the High Street, what a bonus. It might only be a couple of shots and not the few hundred I got last time he was in Edinburgh and performing just off the High street.

As he sped off down the High Street he got caught at the traffic lights, where I managed to speak to him briefly and grab that final shot before he ran off on his truly heroic effort.

Well done Eddie Izzard!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I had heard a bit about Eddie's run on the radio. I'd like to know more about it. It would have been really great to have seen Eddie as well.
